Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-9 – Big Horn Ram – Jan Schoonover


Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-9 – Big Horn Ram



Printed Book Version

In 2004 I took my first extreme embossing lesson with Jan Schoonover. The subject of the lesson was a Bighorn Ram. I remember thinking when the class was finished, “I can’t believe I made that!” In 2011 Jan and I did the Bighorn Ram again for this lesson series. It ended up being the last project I would get to do with Jan. When you complete the projects in these lessons, I hope you will also be saying, “I can’t believe I made that!” Printed Book Version

Other Sculptured Leather Art Lessons available for purchase are as follows:

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-1 – Pronghorn Antelope

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-2 – Black Bear

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-3 – Brown Trout

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-4 – Mountain Lion

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-5 – Bald Eagle

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-6 – Native American

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-7 – Quarter Horse

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #1-8 – African Lion

Sculptured Leather Art – Lesson Series #2-1 – American Bald Eagle



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