Beginner’s Floral Carving


3 in stock

Don Gonzales

Edward A. Whitney Academic Center – W 203 A+B

Thursday 05/15 8:00 am – 12:00 pm


Class Size Limit: 18 Students

See complete workshop description below

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SKU: SW25WS11 Category:


Don Gonzales

Edward A. Whitney Academic Center – W 203 A+B

Thursday 05/15 8:00 am – 12:00 pm


Workshop Description: This beginner-level workshop is focused on working to develop a quality foundation in leather floral carving and stamping. The patterns that you will use in this workshop are designed to teach you the proper techniques for carving and developing a pattern. Students will focus on proper swivel knife skills and smooth beveling, which is the basis for a properly tooled piece of floral work. You will also work on backgrounding, pear shading, and decorative cutting to finish a pattern that looks beautiful. If you are new to floral carving or want the opportunity to step back and work on fundamentals, then this workshop will be very helpful. Bring your tools and Don will bring the leather and patterns. Let’s stamp some leather!

Materials to bring: Floral carving and stamping tools, tooling stone, mallet/maul, swivel knife, and a strop.

Workshop Instructor: Don Gonzales become interested in leathercraft while in 8th grade, when a friend’s father shared some simple skills with him. He went from making sheaths and belts and saddle repairs to eventually owning his own shop and going full-time in 2004. He credits Jimmy Plantt for many life lessons and skills learned, in addition to those from his many online friends. In October of 2020, Don launched a new, weekly podcast, Lost Trade. Don lives in Moulton, Texas.

Workshop Sponsors: Hermann Oak Leather Co.


• There is a $25 administration fee per cancellation.

• The cost of each workshop will be refunded minus the $25 fee.

• No refunds for workshops after Friday, May 9, 2025.


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