2020 Volume 30, No. 4 Jul/Aug


The 2020 Jul/Aug edition of The Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal

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8 COLORING – The Basic 7 Tooled Border

Tony & Kay Laier

21 Ol’ Glory Tattered Battle Flag

Josh Stevens

28 Figure Carving the Eagle

Steve Yezek

32 Fun with Stamping Tools: Rasp Tool

Chan Geer

46 Tooling with Kathy Flanagan – National Parks Mount Rushmore: A National Memorial (Part 2)

Kathy Flanagan

53 Laser Engraving Makes it Personal

Philip Black


2 About the Cover

Josh Stevens

15 Overcoming Artist’s Block

Natalie Orfanidi

38 More About the Cover

Josh Stevens

39 Bonding for Life in Cologne, Germany: Renia Adhesives – An Interview with Dr. Rainer Buchholz

Charil Reis

50 From Concept to Completion: A Purse Order John Sedberry

61 2020 Al & Ann Stohlman Awards

Tony Laier/Dorothea Reis


4 From the Editor

6 Contributors

63 Leather Industry News

74 Leather Guilds

76 Classifieds

78 List of Advertisers


35 Relining Saddle Skirts: Save Time and Prevent Damage

Nick Pernokas

66 From My Bench to Yours: Saddle Construction – Category 10: Saddle Horn (Part 1)

Bob Klenda


71 Reuse Your Daubers!

Stella Hofstedt

79 Modeling Tool Finesse

Michael Dale


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